Dr. Hae Ryun Kwak (Virologist) and Dr. Park Bueyong (Entomologist) from the Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI) based at South Korea visited Bhutan from 16/10/2017 to 20/10/2017. The main objective of their official visit was to monitor the progress of the AFACI _IPM Project with the center, interact and discuss future plan activities in the project site. AFACI officials with NPPC and ARDC Samtenlling officials visited Chuzaegang gewog (Project site) accompanied by the extension agent.
The team surveyed plant and leaf hoppers in the paddy. Green leaf hoppers were observed in high numbers compared to other hoppers. The team also collected suspected viral samples of paddy and chilli leaves. These samples will be tested for virus by Dr. Kwak and share the results after analysis
The team also visited Agriculture Research and Development Centre (ARDC) at Samtenlling. The team met with Mr. Tsheten, Offtg. Program director. He shared the about the mandate of center and on-going research activities in the center. Later, He guided the team in the research fields and explained about ongoing researches. Dr. Kwak collected suspected viral leaf samples of tomato and chilli.
Dr. Park demonstrated the procedures of uploading weekly hoppers data in AMIVS (Asia migratory insects and viruses surveillance system) website. Data once uploaded will be viewed and approved by the Korean principle investigators. Asia migratory insects and viruses surveillance system (AMIVS) is opened for the management of migrating rice plant hoppers and associated rice viruses to provide the strategic basis enabling to reduce their incidences below the threshold level for chemical control of rice plant hoppers in resource-limited Asian countries. Through this collaboration network system the outbreak of rice plant hoppers and associated viruses are intensively monitored in-countries or inter-countries.