National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

The National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC) under the Department of Agriculture, MoAF, would like to request all stakeholders to heighten vigilance for any armyworm like activity in the field. With the onset of spring, heavy rains followed by warm and dry weather conditions can greatly favor the development of this pest leading to an outbreak. We would therefore like to reiterate to you all to frequently monitor the activity of this pest in the field. The early detection of the pest is important to help initiate early management strategies and prevent damage at the initial stages of an outbreak.

Please advocate frequent monitoring in areas where crops have reached the susceptible stages such as the seedling and/or the vegetative stage, especially in crops such as paddy and maize.  Please contact the Regional Plant Protection officers or NPPC if you require any technical and/or plant protection input support to manage an outbreak in the field. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Regional Plant Protection Officers                                                          NPPC

                                                                                                      Office number-351016

ARDC Wengkhar- Geley Namgay -17407070                               Rup Narayan Subedi- 17474352

                                Pempa L. Lepcha- 77485075                         Ugyen Dema- 17793667

ARDC Samtenling- CM Dhimal- 17976283                                    Kiran Mahat- 17373769

                                 Ratu Kinley- 17316511                          

ARDC Bajo- Ugyen Dorji -17690696          



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Program Director

Program Director

Mrs. Yeshey Dema

Mrs. Yeshey Dema joined the civil service on 26th February 1996. She headed the Soil Fertility Unit, NSSC from 2008 till 2013. In 2013, she was transferred to the National Plant Protection Centre as the Program Director. She holds M. Phil in Soil Science from the University of Reading, UK.

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