National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

History of NPPC

History of NPPC

Plant protection services started since 1961 as Plant Protection (PP) unit under Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest with the role of providing PP services and distribution of chemicals. Institution of Plant Protection Program at Semtokha started with the onset of EEC PP Project (1984-2000) that helped in organizing of PP input procurement and supply system.

Regional Plant Protection Centers and Dzongkhag PP stores were established with PP inspectors with assistance from IPMDP – EU Project (1993-2000) which was dissolved in 2002 .Since then , the center is functioning as the pioneer institution in the country with the mandate of functioning as a National Referral & Coordinating center for all PP activities which includes information management (surveillance & pest database) and Pest Risk Analysis (PRA), research and Development (entomology, pathology, weed science, plant protection products, vertebrate pests),laboratory and advisory services and regional & international coordination and collaborative activities.

The center as the Apex institution in National PP Program oversee the PP program in the country thus providing direction and guidance to the PP Program in the country, function as a national referral & coordinating agency for all PP activities, be the repository center of pest and plant protection products information and be the authority to review, update and recommend appropriate plant protection products.

The center also develop & strengthen the Components of the PP Program framework for generating PP technologies for delivering effective PP services and enhance the delivery of PP Services.

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Program Director

Program Director

Mrs. Yeshey Dema

Mrs. Yeshey Dema joined the civil service on 26th February 1996. She headed the Soil Fertility Unit, NSSC from 2008 till 2013. In 2013, she was transferred to the National Plant Protection Centre as the Program Director. She holds M. Phil in Soil Science from the University of Reading, UK.

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