National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

Pathology Program

Pathology Program is mandated to develop disease management measures, following Integrated Disease Management (IDM) concept, in identified agricultural crops and disseminate the technologies to the farming community through the extension network. For achieving the above goals, the program is responsible for carrying out disease surveillance and surveys; conducting adaptive research and development trials in priority crops for major diseases of concern; carrying out diagnostic work for identification of disease organisms; providing training to extension and farmers; and providing advisory services to farmers, growers, extension, researchers and other stake holders.

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Program Director

Program Director

Mrs. Yeshey Dema

Mrs. Yeshey Dema joined the civil service on 26th February 1996. She headed the Soil Fertility Unit, NSSC from 2008 till 2013. In 2013, she was transferred to the National Plant Protection Centre as the Program Director. She holds M. Phil in Soil Science from the University of Reading, UK.

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