Emergency stock of Cypermethrin 10EC at RDC-Wengkhar
The National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC) would like to inform all the DAOs of the six Eastern Dzongkhags that starting this year we will be temporarily stocking about 200 L of Cypermethrin 10 EC at RNR-RDC-Wengkhar. This is mainly to serve as an emergency stock during the army worm outbreaks in these eastern Dzongkhags. Therefore, should there be any MAJOR outbreaks, please kindly contact the Program Director, RNRRDC- Wengkhar and spray accordingly. However, please note that spraying of this chemical should be used as the last resort of control. For further assistance please visit our website at www.nppc.gov.bt or contact us via email at nppcsemtokha@gmail.com or tel: 351016.