The National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC) would like to inform that of late there has been a lot of confusion regarding purchase of energizers for electric fencing. We do understand the confusion because Dzongkhags have been made to purchase other materials and accessories from the suppliers while energizer have to be procured from the NPPC. This arrangement has been made to ensure the quality and standard of energizers supplied to the country since the energizer being the main engine of the electric fencing.
We would like to acknowledge that we were not able to disseminate the information well advance in time and avoid the confusion. However, we thought Dzongkhags were already aware of such arrangements and confusion wouldn’t arise. Nevertheless, we would like to take this opportunity to inform the Dzongkhags that energizers will have to be purchased from the NPPC on cash and carry basis while other materials will have to be purchased from the relevant suppliers as per the 2015-16 quotation. For kind information of all, we still have 892 nos. (S2-830; S5-62) of energizers in stock with the NPPC and Dzongkhags may like to purchase as and when necessary.