Coinciding with the International Day of Biodiversity, the National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC) conducted an awareness campaign to address the invasive Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya) on May 22, 2024, at Tendruk Gewog, Samtse Dzongkhag. This event was held in collaboration with the Samtse Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector and funding support from National Biodiversity Centre (NBC).
The awareness campaign was chaired by Dasho Dungpa of Trashicholing Dungkhag, Samtse Dzongkhag, along with the Advisor of the Department of Agriculture (DoA). Participants included the Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer, Gups, Mangmis, Gewog agriculture extensions from nine gewogs, principals and school teachers from three schools, the forest officer of Tendruk gewog, and 150 farmers and members of the public from Tendruk gewog.
The primary objective of this campaign was to heighten awareness and equip local communities with the knowledge and skills required to curb the spread of the Polka Dot Plant, thereby safeguarding their farmland and natural biodiversity.
The campaign seamlessly integrated theoretical and practical elements. Theoretical sessions, offered a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of invasive plants, their modes of proliferation, and strategic techniques for their management and containment. A representative from the Bhutan Food & Drug Authority made a presentation on biosecurity and its importance. Following these insightful sessions, hands-on practical demonstrations illustrated effective Polka Dot Plant management and eradication techniques by uprooting the plants and scientifically dumping it in the pit.
“Be Part of The Plan”
Happy International Day of Biodiversity