National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

National Plant Protection Centre

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock

Inception Workshop for Maize FAO-TCP Project (TCP/BHU/3603) “Strengthening Management of Maize Storage Pests”

The Inception Workshop for FAO funded Maize TCP Project (TCP/BHU/3606 was held on 30 November, 2016 at National Plant Protection Centre Conference Hall, Semtokha with the aim to create awareness of the project, discuss issues related the project and to prepare work plan, budget and identifying roles and responsibilities for different stakeholders.

The workshop was graced by the Director of the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Forests. Detail Project document including project outputs, activities, budget, and project implementation arrangement was presented to the participants. After the presentation discussion was held on any pertinent issues or views related to the project.

The main purpose of the project is to mitigate maize losses in storage through development and promotion of low-cost storage technology that is appropriate to local conditions.

The project will initially focus in 3 Dzongkhags: Dagana, Chukha & Mongar and develop information on storage pests through survey and identification. It will build capacity of farmers, extension agents and technical staffs of the National Plant Protection Centre, National Post-Harvest Centre and Regional Agriculture Research and Development Centers through training on appropriate storage technologies and management of storage pests.

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Program Director

Program Director

Mrs. Yeshey Dema

Mrs. Yeshey Dema joined the civil service on 26th February 1996. She headed the Soil Fertility Unit, NSSC from 2008 till 2013. In 2013, she was transferred to the National Plant Protection Centre as the Program Director. She holds M. Phil in Soil Science from the University of Reading, UK.

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