The National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC) bade farewell to Mr.Sangay Dorji, the only weed scientist in the country! He voluntarily resigned from the Civil service with effect from 1st October 2019 to pursue his career as a local consultant. He has served the Centre for about a decade and in his capacity as the Weeds and Vertebrate Pests Unit head, contributed to the overall development of the Unit. He has been a huge strength of the Centre especially towards the strengthening of weed science. On his own initiative, the up-gradation of the herbarium in the Centre has been initiated which is over and above his normal responsibilities.
In addition to the weed science, his contributions to the electric fencing to combat human-wildlife conflict (HWC) management have been immensely unmeasurable. A huge round of applause and appreciated goes to him for upscaling the EF technology in the country. He was one of the pioneers of EF along with Dr. Tshering Penjor (TP).
With a huge demand from the fields for the Weeds of Bhutan book, the Centre managed to re-print this book with his initiative and passion.
Though the only weeds and HWC expert of the Centre, he was also the APA focal and ensured that all the activities of the Centre were implemented effectively on time. A vacuum has already been created with his pre-mature exit from the Centre. However, the young dynamic officers of his Unit would pick up his traits under the new Unit head, Dr. Dorjee.
A gentle, gentleman who loved to work quietly in his office will be greatly missed by all the staff. The entire family of NPPC, Department and the Ministry would like to wish him success in his new venture.
Trashi Delek!