The general meeting of National Plant Protection Centre for year 2019 was conducted on 6th December, 2019 at NPPC conference hall. The meeting was chaired by the Program Director. The key points covered were discussion on budget balance for FY 2019-2020; preparation of budget for FY 2020-2021; Regional meetings/ARCM; Plant Protection training at Egypt; Collaboration with Japan on citrus HLB and Organic flagship updates & incorporation of NOFP activities with IWP.
Towards the later part of the day, a presentation to sensitize gender issues was done by Ms. Nima Om, Legal officer of Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, who is the gender Focal point of the Ministry. Internal Framework to Address Gender Issues at Work Place was the main focus of this awareness program with the objectives to:
- streamline the mechanisms of addressing gender related issues.
- enhance working environment and to understand gender issues at workplace.
- address harassment issues including sexual harassment at workplace .
The meeting concluded at 17:00 hrs with the PD thanking all the staff for their cooperation and for bringing another successful year to an harmonious end.