Weeds and Vertebrate Pests Division
The Weeds and Vertebrate Pests Division was recently established as new division at the Centre. It was started in the year 2007 with the financial support from Royal Government of Bhutan. The division exclusively deals with weed and wildlife problems in agriculture. At present, the division has four staff (1 Masters (on EOL), 1 Bachelor degree, 1 Diploma (undergoing B.Sc.) and 1 Diploma).
The major functions of this division are:
- To develop and provide integrated weed management methods for agricultural crops through conducting research and development.
- To conduct efficacy trial on different weedicides for controlling major weeds in transplanted rice.
- To conduct weed survey and identification of agricultural importance.
- To provide advisory and diagnostic services to farmers, extension agents, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders in relation to weeds and wildlife problems in the country.
- To update and develop herbarium for weeds as the national referral collection.
- To impart training to farmers and extension agents.
- To develop leaflets, extension and training materials.